Looking for

a Trucking


Need a

Class A


Access to a vast network of

leading transportation companies.

Competitive compensation packages and


Flexible schedules to accommodate work-life balance.

Ongoing support and

career development opportunities.

How to get Started:

Take the next step in your career by joining Saunders Staffing Agency. Submit your resume and contact information through our job application below, and let our team of dedicated recruiters match you with the perfect driving opportunity.

For Aspiring CDL Class A Drivers:

(Must have Class A CDL permit)

Begin Your Journey:

If you're ready to kickstart your career as a CDL Class A truck driver, Saunders Staffing Agency is here to guide you through the process. We specialize in connecting aspiring drivers with reputable training programs and mentorship opportunities to help you earn your CDL Class A license.

Personalized guidance from experienced industry professionals.

Assistance with the application and licensing process.

Job placement support upon successful completion.

How to get started:

Embark on your journey to becoming a licensed CDL Class A driver by contacting Saunders Staffing Agency today. Our team will provide you with the resources and support needed to turn your aspirations into a rewarding career.

We value your interest and would love to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out to us using the contact information provided below. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with any inquiries, discuss your staffing needs, or answer any questions you may have.

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